1º Bachillerato A

June 11th
As a final review before the last exams, you can use the Grammar Worksheets which are at the beginning of this blog under the heading Bachillerato-Grammar Review (with answer key).
The summary of the Grammar we have studied is also at the beginning of the blog under the heading Grammar and Vocabulary Pages - Grammar for Bachillerato.
I can help you with all your doubts on Monday (during the English lesson and from 11:40 to 14:20) and Tuesday (from 10:20 to 11:10 and from 12:30 to 14:20).
June 9th
In order to study REPORTED SPEECH you can use the explanation on the Grammar Reference of your book or the PPTs we have used at class. There is a presentation about REPORTED QUESTIONS and another about REPORTED COMMANDS AND REQUESTS. And finally, I have added some Rephrasing to practice REPORTED STATEMENTS And finally, I have added some Rephrasing to practice REPORTED STATEMENTS.

June 8th
To finish the school year, you can use this Power Point Presentation to practice some Rephrasing using RELATIVE CLAUSES. We will use it in the next lesson but you can download it to review at home.

March 25th

These are the links for the research you have to do for the last term. Just click on the link of your assigned number and start reading. In May you will have to make a visual presentation of the result of your research and explain it to your classmates.


1. EDINBURGH: Poignant pipes.

2. BELFAST: Helena Blunden.

3. GLOUCESTER: Ghost of Bishop John Hooper.

4. CHESTER: Ghost of Lord Bernard Stewart.

5. EXETER: Penny Farthing Ghost.

6. DERBY: Ghost of PC Moss.

7. YORK: Orphan’s screams.

8. NORWICH: 19 Magdalen Street.

9. ST ALBANS: Phantom composer.

10. OXFORD: Rosamund the Fair

11. NORTHUMBERLAND: Chillingham Castle

12. WILTSHIRE: Old Wardour Castle

13. DEVON: Berry Pomeroy Castle

These three stories found in http://www.ghosthaunts.com/3_castles.html

At this link http://www.mysteriousbritain.co.uk/  you can find these other stories:

24. NORTHUMBRIA: The Bamburgh Laidly http://www.mysteriousbritain.co.uk/england/northumberland/legends/the-bamburgh-laidly.html

December 21st

Para la próxima exposición oral que haréis a finales del mes de enero vamos a acercarnos a la literatura de autores de habla inglesa. Tendreis que leer un cuento de algún afamado autor, ilustrarlo como más os guste y contarlo en inglés al resto de la clase.
Para apoyar vuestro relato podeis utilizar una Presentación de Power Point  o cualquier otro sistema que os apetezca. Lo importante es que todos comprendan vuestro cuento cuando lo conteis en inglés.
Recordad también que debereis hacer una breve introducción sobre el autor y su época.
Estos son los cuentos que tendreis que leer y contar:

José Alberto Aragonés contará La carta robada, de Edgar Allan Poe.
Dolores Carrero, Elisabeth Corrales y Gema Corrales contarán William Wilson, de Edgar Allan Poe.
Jesús Díaz-Pavón y Eduardo Corrales contarán Berenice, de Edagar Allan Poe.
Esther García-Navas y Natalia Menasalvas contarán El Príncipe Feliz, de Oscar Wilde.
Ana Jula contará El ruiseñor y la rosa, de Oscar Wilde.
Carlos Martín Viveros y Pilar García-Miguel contarán El corazón delator, de Edgar Allan Poe.
Antonio Muñoz, Adrián de Molina y Alberto Aranda contarán El armario viejo, de Charles Dickens.
Javier Patiño contará Los crímenes de la calle Morgue, de Edgar Allan Poe.
Antonio Javier Ramos y Jesús Díaz-Plaza contarán El famoso cohete, de Oscar Wilde.
Yara Rodríguez-Palmero, Jessica Mateos y Natalia Mayorga contarán La historia de los duendes que secuestraron a un enterrador, de Charles Dickens.
Mercedes Tajuelo, Mercedes Fernández-Baíllo y Natalia García-Navas contarán El gigante egoísta, de Oscar Wilde.

Espero que os gusten estos cuentos y que disfruteis preparando vuestro trabajo.

December 14th
IT'S SNOWING!!The school is closed!!! No English lesson!!! What a pity!

A view from my window in Puerto Lápice! Amazing!!! How cold!!!
You can give me your Christmas cards tomorrow.
NOW, GO OUT AND MAKE A VERY BIG SNOWMAN!!! Remember to take photos!

December 5th

Take part in the CHRISTMAS CARDS COMPETITION. You may win a prize. Here you can read the rules for the competition. Rebember that the LAST DAY to hand in your card is December 14th.

Now read some well known Christmas wishes but remember your wish must be original, not copied.

November 5th Have you heard of Saint Andrew's Day? Find out reading the section about English Festivals. Follow the links and prepare a short speech about this popular festival in Scotland. You will have to show it for the class. You can use a Power Point presentation if you like. Prepare it for the last week of November. It will be another mark for SPEAKING. Here are some interesting links about Scotland and Saint Andrew:

October 27th
Here are the starters for your Hallowe'en stories. (click on the pumpkin) Choose one of them and write your story to hand it in next week. Read the entries in the blog about Hallowe'en and fear to gather ideas and vocabulary for your compositions. Happy Hallowe'en!

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100 questions about Britain

Read about British customs following the link in Spanish
or in English http://www.tolearnenglish.com/free/civi/index.php


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